
Showing posts from December, 2023

Why Do I Feel Sick After Working Out?

It’s not unusual to feel nauseous or sick after a workout sometimes. You can often get relief by prepping before, during, and after your workoutLet’s look at the common reasons why you may feel sick after a workout and tips to prevent it from happening again.HydratiWhen we work out, we lose fluid as we sweat and breathe hard. It’s easy to become dehydrated during strenuous exercise. Symptoms of dehydration includmuscle weaknesizzineheadaBut be careful, because you can also drink too much water and dilute your electrolyte levels. If the sodium concentration is too low in your blood (hyponatremia), you may feel nauseouDuring and after intense exercise, it’s a good idea to incorporate electrolyte drinks to replenish lost sodium and other electrolytesow much water should I drink when working ouThe American Heart AssociationTrusted Source recommends drinking water before you exercise as well as while you’re working out, offering two rules to folloIf you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydr

Muscular Hypertrophy and Your Workout

Muscular hypertrophy refers to growing your muscle cells. Read on to learn how to achieve muscle growth from exercise and diHypertrophy is an increase and growth of muscle cells. Hypertrophy refers to an increase in muscular size achieved through exercise. When you work out, if you want to tone or improve muscle definition, lifting weights is the most common way to increase hypertrophy.What is muscular hypertrophThere are two types of muscular hypertrophy: myofibrillar: growth of muscle contraction pasarcoplasmic: increased muscle glycogen storaWhich type to focus on depends on your fitness goals. Myofibrillar training will help with strength and speed. Sarcoplasmic growth helps give your body more sustained energy for endurance athletic eventMuscular hypertrotypes Increases Activatmyofibrillar strength and speed contractor msarcoplasmic energy storage and endurance glycogen storageWhen weightlifting, you can perform many repetitions (reps) at a lower weight or lift a heavy weight for

Does Creatine Cause Headaches?

FluxFactory/Getty ImaFrom energy boosters to performance enhancers, the world of sports and fitness is no stranger to supplements. For many athletes and gym-goers, creatine is one of the more popular supplements on the market for improving performancAlthough side effects from creatine are relatively uncommon, some people have reported experiencing headaches from creatine supplementIn this article, we’ll explore what creatine does, some potential side effects of creatine supplementation, and what the research says about creatine causing headaches. Does creatine cause headacheCreatine is a naturally occurring substance made of amino acids. It supplies the body with cellular energy. Red meat and seafood are the primary sources of dietary creatine, while endogenous creatine is synthesized in the liver, kidneys, and pancreasMost creatine is stored in and used by the muscles, which makes it a popular supplement for fitness-related activities. As with almost all supplements, there have been

Does Lifting Weights Stunt Growth?

The idea that lifting weights stunts growth in children is largely a myth. When done properly, weightlifting can offer several benefitThe health and wellness industry is full of half-truths and myths that seem to stick around, regardless of what the science and the experts saOne question that comes up often in fitness circles and medical offices, and with youth coaches is, does lifting weights stunt growth? If you’re a parent of a child under age 18, you might be wondering if the strength training workouts children are doing at the gym or as part of a sports team are stunting your child’s growtWhile this concern about stunted growth seems legitimate, the good news is, your child does not have to quit lifting weightsWhat does the science sayThe myth that kids will stop growing if they lift weights too young is not supported by any scientific evidence or research. What is supported by scientific evidence and research is that properly designed and supervised resistance training programs

How to Stop Runner’s Itch from Ruining Your Workout

Runner’s itch refers to a sensation and symptoms that appear on the stomach and legs while working out. Prevention methods may include having a consistrunning routine or keeping a nutrition journaUsually, runner’s itch isn’t a cause for concern, and prevention and treatment is simple. Cases that involve severe symptoms may require specific treatmenRead on to take a look at the causes of runner’s itch and ways to treat and prevent it. What causes itThere are several causes of runner’s itch. We’ll talk through what could be happening in your body to cause this itchy sensatioIncreased blood flow If you’ve been sedentary or haven’t exercised in a while, returning to your running routine can lead to itchinessRunning increases your heart rate and blood flow as your heart delivers more blood and oxygen to the targeted muscles. This causes your capillaries and arteries to expand and stimulates your nerve cells, which can lead to an itchy sensatiHistamine releaAccording to a 2017 research re

12 Things Only Someone with Chronic Fatigue Would Understand

Chronic fatigue can be hard to explain to friends, family, and even your dog when he’s waiting to go for a walk. The exhaustion runs deep, and no amount of sleep is going to magically turn you into the energizer bunnFrom needing multiple lattes just to make it through the day, to napping before heading out the door, here are 12 things you’ll definitely be able to relate to if you live with chronic fatigue. 1. Naps won’t Well-meaning pals will say, “Hey, go nap, sleepy head.” They just don’t understand that fatigue runs deeper than a lack of sl2. Things get lost in translatiPeople often feel as though we aren’t listening to them. It’s not for lack of trying. But mentally processing things can be difficult3. It’s emotionally drainiOne of the worst parts about fatigue is realizing that we can’t accomplish what we’d like each day. It’s extremely emotionally draining. We can feel useless and like we have to be babysat. 4. Pacing yourself is necessaTo get through the day, we must fight the

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Your adrenal glands are essential for your everyday health. They produce hormones that help your body tdistribute fat and proteregulate sugar and inflammation promote proper cardiovascular functireact to stressIf your adrenal glands don’t produce enough hormones, it can lead to a variety of symptoms and hissueAdrenal fatigue vs adrenal insufficieAdrenal insufficiency, which includes Addison’s disease, is a medical condition that occurs when your adrenal glands arenproducing adequate amounts of one or more essential hormones.Adrenal fatigue is a theory that suggests high levels of stress can trigger a mild form of insufficiencyRead on to learn more about these two conditioSymptoms of adrenal insufficieAdrenal insufficiency is categorized as primary, secondary, or tertiPrimary adrenal insufficiency is typically called Addison’s diseasAdrenal insufficiency usually occurs when the outer layer of your adrenals (the cortex) becomes damaged. This damage causes your adrenal glands to pro

Causes of Fatigue and How to Manage It

Fatigue can occur with many different mental and physical health conditions. Some causes can be serious. You may be able to relieve fatigue with lifestyle changes to exercise, diet, and sleeFatigue is a term used to describe an overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. It isn’t the same as simply feeling drowsy or sleepy. When you’re fatigued, you have no motivation and no energy. Being sleepy may be a symptom of fatigue, but it’s not the same thiFatigue is a common symptom of many medical conditions that range in severity from mild to serious. It’s also a natural result of some lifestyle choices, such as lack of exercise or poor dieIf your fatigue doesn’t resolve with proper rest and nutrition, or you suspect it’s caused by an underlying physical or mental health condition, see your doctor. They can help diagnose the cause of your fatigue and work with you to treat itWhat causes fatigThere are many potential causes of fatigue. They can be divided into three general categorie

13 Fatigue-Fighting Hacks to Supercharge Your Mornings

You may feel tired in the morning if you’re not getting enough sleep. It may also relate to your mental or physical health. Speak with your to find the cause. In the meantime, making a few lifestyle changes may help you fight morning fatigueWhen waking up is hard to do, consider the following strategieWe’ve all had those mornings when we just can’t shake a feeling of sluggishness, even when we’ve technically gotten enough sleep. In an effort to perk up on tired days, many of us load up on cup after cup of coffeeBut over-caffeinating can leave us jittery and anxious (not to mention perpetually running to the bathroom)Perhaps there’s a better way to banish morning fatigue and get on with your day with the energy you need1. Don’t hit snooze — at aThat beloved button on top of your alarm clock may not be so helpful after alSpending the last half hour or so of nighttime rest in what researchers call “fragmented sleep” has consequencesTrusted Source for your ability to function througho

Can I Be Tested for Adrenal Fatigue?

What is adrenal fatiguThe term “adrenal fatigue” is used by some integrative and naturopathic healthcare providers —those who incorporate a wide variety of nontraditional techniques to care for people — to describe what they consider to be the effects of chronic stresThe adrenal glands are tiny organs above the kidneys that manufacture a variety of hormones your body needs to thrive — including the hormone cortisol, which is released when you feel stresSome in the naturopathic communityTrusted Source support the idea that long periods of stress overwork the adrenal glands and cause them to stop functioning well, which they believe in turn causes adrenal fatiguThese practitioners list the main symptoms of this condition as ongoing fatigue and an inability to manage stress. Other symptoms that are often cited includanxiedepressibody achsleep disturbancdry skweight fluctuatiocirculatory issudigestive probleDisorders of the adrenal glands exist, but adrenal fatigue specifically isn’t r

What’s Causing My Fatigue and Loss of Appetite?

You can experience fatigue along with a loss of appetite. You may also notice that food doesn’t taste good or that you feel queasy when trying to eat. Several conditions can cause this combination of symptomFatigue is a constant state of tiredness, even when you’ve gotten your usual amount of sleep. This symptom develops over time and causes a drop in your physical, emotional, and psychological energy levels. You’re also more likely to feel unmotivated to participate in or do activities you normally enjoySome other signs of fatigue include feelingphysically weaker than usutired, despite reas though you have less stamina or endurance than normmentally tired and mooLoss of appetite means you don’t have the same desire to eat as you used to. Signs of decreased appetite include not wanting to eat, unintentional weight loss, and not feeling hungry. The idea of eating food may make you feel nauseous, as if you might vomit after eating. Long- term loss of appetite is also known as anorexia

13 Signs of Overtraining and What to Do About It

Overtraining syndrome (OTS) can lower your fitness level, negatively affect your performance, and cause injuries. Weightlifting, cardio, and HIIT workouts can all lead to burnout. It’s also typical in single-sport athletesOvertraining can occur when you work out without allowing enough recovery time between sessions. After a certain point, too much exercise can be harmful to your health and hinder your results, especially if your workouts are close together. Avoid overtraining by working out within your limits and allowing enough recovery time between workouts. Be sure to fuel your workouts so you have enough energy to sustain your training, and take care of yourself after each training sessionRead on to take a closer look at some of the signs of overtraining as well as ways to prevent, treat, and recover from OTSSigns and symptoms of overtraini1. Not eating enoWeightlifters who maintain an intense training schedule may also cut back on calories. This can negatively affect health and

What’s Causing My Fatigue and Nausea?

What are fatigue and nauseaFatigue is a condition that is a combined feeling of being sleepy and drained of energy. It can range from acute to chronic. For some people, fatigue can be a long-term occurrence that affects their ability to carry out daily activitieNausea occurs when your stomach feels uneasy or queasy. You may not actually vomit, but you may feel as though you could. Like fatigue, nausea can stem from many causes.What causes fatigue and naNausea and fatigue can result from many factors, ranging from physiological causes to lifestyle habits. Examples of lifestyle habits that can bring on fatigue and nausea includeexcessive alcohol uexcessive caffeine upoor eating habitaking medications, such as amphetamines, to stay awtoo much physical activity olack of physical activijet laack of slesychological factors can also contribute to nausea and fatigue. These includanxiedepressiexcess strgrieauses invinfections and inflammation includeWest Nile virus infection (West Nile feve