Can I Be Tested for Adrenal Fatigue?

What is adrenal fatiguThe term “adrenal fatigue” is used by some integrative and naturopathic healthcare providers —those who incorporate a wide variety of nontraditional techniques to care for people — to describe what they consider to be the effects of chronic stresThe adrenal glands are tiny organs above the
kidneys that manufacture a variety of hormones your body needs to thrive — including the hormone cortisol, which is released when you feel stresSome in the naturopathic communityTrusted Source support the idea that long periods of stress overwork the adrenal glands and cause them to stop functioning well, which they believe in turn causes adrenal fatiguThese practitioners list the main symptoms of this condition as ongoing fatigue and an inability to manage stress. Other
symptoms that are often cited includanxiedepressibody achsleep disturbancdry skweight fluctuatiocirculatory issudigestive probleDisorders of the adrenal glands exist, but adrenal fatigue specifically isn’t recognized as one of them by most traditional doctors. This includes those who specialize in the adrenal gland.
This is because currently there’s no reliable research to support the idea of adrenal fatiguAs a result, many medical professionals question the value of adrenal fatigue tests, and insurance companies may not pay for such testing unless it’s also done in connection with a recognized conditionIf your practitioner has recommended adrenal fatigue testing, consider getting a second opinion. Unnecessary tests can mean increased costs, delayed diagnosis for a different condition,
and additional testingIf you choose to proceed with your practitioner’s recommendation, read on to find out what that testing miinclude.How do doctors test for adrenal fatiguPractitioners who test for adrenal fatigue believe that lower-than-normal cortisol levels are a hallmark of the diseHowever, cortisol, and other hormone levels, fluctuate based on time of day and month. Hormones also interact with each other, so thyroid hormones are often tested as well. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that regulates growth, metabolism, and a range of bodily functions.


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