What’s Causing My Fatigue and Nausea?

What are fatigue and nauseaFatigue is a condition that is a combined feeling of being sleepy and drained of energy. It can range from acute to chronic. For some people, fatigue can be a long-term occurrence that affects their ability to carry out daily activitieNausea occurs when your stomach feels uneasy or queasy. You may not actually vomit, but you may feel as though you could. Like fatigue, nausea can stem from many causes.What causes fatigue and naNausea and fatigue can
result from many factors, ranging from physiological causes to lifestyle habits. Examples of lifestyle habits that can bring on fatigue and nausea includeexcessive alcohol uexcessive caffeine upoor eating habitaking medications, such as amphetamines, to stay awtoo much physical activity olack of physical activijet laack of slesychological factors can also contribute to nausea and fatigue. These includanxiedepressiexcess strgrieauses invinfections and inflammation
includeWest Nile virus infection (West Nile fevercolon canceH. pylori infectioacute infectcystitiamebiasihepatitcolinfectiochlamydiEbola viruand diseaserysipelchronic pancreatitififth diseasmalaripolleishmaniasiinfectious mononucleosinfectihookworm infectiColorado tick fevdengue fevCauses involving endocrine and metabolic factors includehyperparathyroidihyperthyroidihypothyroidishypercalcemAddisonian crisis (acute adrenal crisilow blood sodium
(hyponatremiAddison’s diseaCauses involving neurological factors include:igrainadult brain tumoconcussimultiple sclerosis (Mtraumatic brain injurepilepsSome other conditions that can lead to nausea and fatigue includeliver failurmarine animal bites or stingfkidney diseasmedullary cystic diseaischemic cardiomyopathy food allergies and seasonal allergiPMS (premenstrual syndromhigh blood pressure (hypertensiomalignant hypertension (arteriolar nephrosclerosisBurkittlymphoma HELLP syndrofood poisoninpregnanchronic pacirrhosendometriosichronic kidney diseapelvic inflammatory disease (PIDceliac disease (gluten intolerancbleeding
esophageal varicpancreatic cancpeptic ulcCOdiabetchronic fatigue syndrome (CSsleep apninflammatory bowel disease (IBgestational diabetWhen to seek medical help Seek immediate medical help if your fatigue and nausea are accompanied bydifficulty breathiheadacchest paifevthoughts of harming yourseyellowing of the eyes or skislurred speerepeated vomitilasting confusiabnormal eye movemeLifestyle changes can frequently help reduce fatigue and nausea. Schedule an appointment with your doctor if you don’t feel rested even after a full night’s sleepIf you have cancer, ask your doctor about interventions that could enhance your energy levelsThis information is a summary. Always seek medical attention if you’re concerned you may be experiencing a medical emergency.


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