7 Morning Stretches to Start Your Day
Including some stretching in your daily morning routine can help energize you for the day. That could mean you can skip that coffee until midmorning, when you might need it moreIt can also help you go into the day with higher levels of confidence. This sequence can take less than 10 minutes, or longer if you want to stay in poses for a few breaths longer or repeat the whole sequence a few tIt can really make a difference in how both your body and your mind start the day.
Child’s PoThis restorative pose is great for gently stretching out your hips, pelvis, thighs, and spine, all of which can be a bit tight in the morning. It can feel really great if you’ve slept a little “wrong” or twisted up. It also calms the brain and relieves stress and fatigue, so it can be helpful for starting the day off on the right footEquipment needed: For all these poses, a yoga mat is a good. If you don’t have a yoga mat, you should be on a carpet or stable rug (you won’t slip on the wood!) to cushion your kneeMuscles worked: This lengthens your gluteus maximus, piriformis, other rotators, hamstrings, spinal extensors, and more.
Begin on all fours on the mawith your knees directly under your hips but your big toes touching. You cwiden your toes if having them touching puts any pressure on your kneeInhale and feel your spine grlongeAs you exhale, take your buback to your heels and tuck your chin to your chesRest here, with your foground and your arms outstretched. You can also put your arms next to yobody, palms resting up if you prefeHold this for 5 deep, evbCat-Cow (MarjaryasanBitilasaThese two poses done together can increase the circulation of your spinal fluid. This will help lubricate the spine, stretch your back and torso, and gently massage the organs in the abdominal area. All of these are good to help you wake up and go into the rest of your dayMuscles worked: This moves your spine, releasing tension in it, and your arm, abdominal, and back musclePush up from Child’s Pose oall fours, the top of your feeflat,
shoulders directly over your wrists, ahips directly over your kneeAs you inhale, drop your belletting your back arch but keeping your shoulders rollback and down (this Cow). Look slightly upward toward the ceilingAs you exhale, press into yohands into the ground and round your upper back (this is CatContinue moving, arching on yoinhales and rounding on your exhales, repeating this for 5 breathDownward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha SvanasanThis pose is great for the morning because
it’s a mild inversion. It resets your nervous system, calms the brain, and energizes the bodyIt can also be therapeutic for sciatica and relieve fatigue. If you have back problems that impact your sleep and leave you achy and tired, this pose is especially for you. Consider doing it for twice as long as suggested below or returning to it between other poses in this sequence for three breaths each tMuscles worked: This pose actively works your arms, shoulders, wrists, and core, while it stretches your hamstrings, spine, and calves. A lot of your body is either working or stretching here.
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